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Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 9 Answers

Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 9 Answers 2023

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Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 4 Answers
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Answers
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 6 Answers
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 7 Answers
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 8 Answers
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 9 Answers

Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 9 Answers

1) Which of the following statements is true for Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) protocol.

a. The system should work correctly even in the presence of malicious users within the defined limit of faulty nodes.

b. BFT Protocol is used generally in a permissioned system in its basic form.

c. RAFT is a type of BFT protocol

d. None of the above

Answer: a, b

2) Algorand in general is safe under weak synchrony.

a. True

b. False

Answer: a

3) Which of the following is/are applicable for standard Algorand

a. Forking issue not present

b. Highly scalable

c. Need large network to perform optimally

d. Uses random committee

Answer: a, b, c, d

4) Which of the following is/are true for Single Sign-On (SSO) based systems.

a. Single identity for various purposes

b. One password to access multiple services

c. Single identity provider can maintain the identity

d. None of the above

Answer: a, b, c

5) Which of the following is/are true for Decentralized Identifier (DID)

a. Digital representation of physical identity

b. Individuals can control the usage of their own identity

c. Provides Verifiable presentation of the ID

d. DID helps in trusted data exchange

Answer: a, b, c, d

6) Which of the following is/are true for DID document.

a. A set of data describing the DID subject

b. Includes cryptographic mechanism

c. Consists mapping of entries

d. None of the above

Answer: a, b, c

7) DIDs only allow a DID controller to prove its control over its DID document.

a. True

b. False

Answer: a

8) In Verifiable Credential (VC), a claim is a statement about a _____________

a. Holder

b. Subject

c. Isssuer

d. Verifier

Answer: b

9) Censoring of data registry is a major problem in centralized systems

a. False

b. True

Answer: b

10) Which of the following steps is/are valid for DID Registration?

a. Register DID

b. Create DID Document

c. Authenticate DID Controller

d. Update DID Document

Answer: a, b, c, d

Disclaimer: Chandras EDU does not guarantee the correctness of the answers. These answers are based on the data provided by the NPTEL video lectures, are just for reference, and request students to complete the assignments independently.

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