Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 12 Answers
1) Blockchain has been used in many Electronic Health Record based use cases.
a. False
b. True
Answer: b
2) In public block chain the identity of the participants are not always known.
a. True
b. False
Answer: a
3) Which of the following is/are advantages of blockchain?
a. Provides a decentralized platform and marketplace
b. Can avoid intermediaries
c. Reduce cost of transactions
d. Better transparency
Answer: a, b, c, d
4) Which of the following is/are true for federated voting?
a. Nodes participate in voting process
b. Keep on voting any valid statement
c. Accept when a majority votes
d. Confirm when the quorum unanimously accepts a statement
Answer: a, b, c, d
5) Ubin project is based on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for clearing and settlement of payments and securities
a. True
b. False
Answer: a
6) In which of the attacks, end-user consumers can create multiple accounts/identities for accessing the consortium services?
a. Byzantine faults
b. Sybil attacks
c. Impersonation attacks
d. Sensitive information Leakage
Answer: b
7) To allocate consumer requests among Service Providers, which of the following scheduling algorithms is implemented?
a. Fair Scheduling Algorithms
b. Capacity Scheduling Algorithms
c. Dynamic Round Robin
d. A* Algorithm
Answer: a
8) Quorum support transaction with
a. Only private state
b. Only public state
c .Both private and public state at the same time
d. Either private or public state for a transaction
Answer: d
9) Which of the following is true about the selection of the random committee in the Algorand network?
a. There is a dedicated node which choose the nodes to form the committee
b. A distributed algorithm decides the list of nodes participating in the committee
c. The nodes elect themselves as a committee member by winning a local computation
d. A specific pool of node choose are given the responsibility of forming the committee
Answer: c
10) What are the advantages of Hyperledger?
a. Open source
b. Identities of parties must be known
c. Private channels
d. None of the above
Answer: a, c
Disclaimer: CHANDRAS EDU does not guarantee the correctness of the answers. These answers are based on the data provided by the NPTEL video lectures, are just for reference, and request students to complete the assignments independently.
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