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Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Answers

Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Answers 2023

NPTEL Blockchain and its Applications Week 5 Topics
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Answers

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NPTEL Blockchain and its Applications Week 5 Topics

Concepts covered in NPTEL Blockchain and its Applications Week 5 are:

  • Open Consensus beyond PoW​
  • Ethereum Introduction​
  • Ethereum Network​
  • Go Ethereum​
  • Query using RPC over HTTP​
  • Obtaining Ethereum for testnets​
  • Unlocking account​
  • Geth transactions using RPC over HTTP​
  • Ethereum applications – DAPPS​
  • ​Using web3.js to programmatically access Ethereum network​
  • Ethereum smart contracts​
  • ​Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)​
  • ​Solidity language​
  • Deploy and execute contracts​

Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Answers

1) What is the limitation of using the consensus algorithm Proof of Work (PoW)?

a. A lot of mining power is wasted as only one gets success in mining at a time

b. PoW is used for permissioned blockchain

c. Low transaction throughput

d. It is used for blockchain mining

Answer: a, c


Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q1 Answer Explanation
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q1 Answer Explanation

2) Which statement(s) is/are true for PoS (Proof of Stake) consensus?

a. Depends on the wotrk done by the miner

b. Depends on the amount of crypto currency the miner holds

c. Provides less protection in general

d. None of the above

Answer: b


Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q2 Answer Explanation
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q2 Answer Explanation

3) Which of the following is/are applicable for PoET (Proof of Elapsed Time) consensus

a. Each participant in the blockchain network waits a random amount of time

b. The first participant to finish becomes the leader for the new block

c. Trusted execution platform and attestation are used to verify that the proposer has really waited

d. None of the above

Answer: a, b, c


Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q3 Answer Explanation
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q3 Answer Explanation

4) Proof of Burn consensus algorithms do not consider virtual resources or digital coins for participating in the mining activity?

a. True

b. False

Answer: b


Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q4 Answer Explanation
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q4 Answer Explanation

5) 5 ether equals

a. 5X(10 ^ 16) wei

b. 5X(10 ^ 8) wei

c. 5X(10 ^ 6) wei

d. 5X(10 ^ 18) wei

Answer: d


Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q5 Answer Explanation
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q5 Answer Explanation

6) Which of the following syntax is correct to write data in a smart contract using solidity



c. myContract.methods.write(“99”).send()

d. myContract.methods.write(“99”).set()

Answer: b


Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q6 Answer Explanation
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q6 Answer Explanation

7) How an attacker could manipulate the transaction history of a blockchain to be able to spend a token or a cryptocurrency twice.

a. The attacker hard-forked the network and created a new blockchain network.

b. The attacker modified the transaction on his node and propagated it in the network.

c. The attacker modified the smart contract and recovered the investor’s cryptocurrency.

d. The attacker gained control of more than 51% of the network’s computing power.

Answer: d


Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q7 Answer Explanation
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q7 Answer Explanation

8) What library/API is used for smart contract deployment and invocation from Dapp?

a. Contract

b. web3

c. admin

d. eth

Answer: b


Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q8 Answer Explanation
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q8 Answer Explanation

9) What is the CLI command used to send ethers after the nodes have been initialized?

a. eth.submitTransaction()

b. eth.sendIBANTransaction()

c. eth.sendRawTransaction()

d. eth.sendTransaction()

Answer: d


Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q9 Answer Explanation
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q9 Answer Explanation

10) In which scenario is a smart contract the best solution to the problem?

a. A restaurant manager wants to force customers to pay for their food by transferring cryptocurrency to his wallet.

b. A chief engineer wants her smart watch to notify her when her partner enters their front door.

c. A grid company wants to automatically buy power when the price reaches a predetermined rate.

d. An insurance company wants to pay out a small vendor whenever the case manager feels it is best to do so.

Answer: c


Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q10 Answer Explanation
Blockchain and its Applications Assignment 5 Q10 Answer Explanation

Disclaimer: Chandras EDU does not guarantee the correctness of the answers. These answers are based on the data provided by the NPTEL video lectures, are just for reference, and request students to complete the assignments independently.

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