Artificial Intelligence course focuses on the development of algorithms and statistical models.

Course Objectives

  • To learn the difference between optimal reasoning vs human like reasoning.
  • To understand the notions of state space representation, exhaustive search, heuristic search.
  • To learn different knowledge representation techniques.
  • To understand the applications of AI like Game Playing and Expert Systems.
  • To introduce the concept of Machine Learning.

Course Syllabus


Introduction: History, Intelligent Systems, Foundations of AI, Subareas of AI & Applications.

Intelligent Agents: Agents and Environment, Structure of Agents

Solving Problems by Searching:

Uninformed Search Strategies – Depth-first search – Breadth-first search – Uniform-cost search

Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies – Heuristic Functions – Greedy best-first search – A* search

Hill climbing search


Adversarial Search: Optimal Decisions in Games – MiniMax Algorithm, Alpha-Beta Pruning

Constraint Satisfaction Problems

Bayesian Learning: Bayes Theorem and Concept Learning – Maximum Likelihood and Least square Error Hypothesis – Bayes Optimal Classifier – Naïve Bayes Classifier

Minimum Description Length Principle – Gibbs Algorithm – Bayesian Belief Networks – EM Algorithm


Introduction to Machine Learning: Examples of Machine Learning Applications – Learning Associations -Classification – Regression – Unsupervised Learning – Reinforcement Learning

Supervised Learning: Learning a Class from Examples – Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension – Probably Approximately Correct Learning – Noise – Learning Multiple Classes – Regression – Model Selection and Generalization – Dimensions of a Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm


Artificial Neural Networks: Introduction, Appropriate problems for NN learning, Perceptrons, Multilayer Networks and Backpropagation Algorithm, Remarks on Backpropagation Algorithm, An example: Face recognition, Advanced topics of ANN-Error functions, Recurrent Networks


Decision Trees: Introduction – Univariate Trees – Classification Trees – Regression Trees – Pruning – Rule Extraction from Trees – Learning Rules from Data – Multivariate Trees – Problems on Decision Tree

Reinforcement Learning: Introduction – The Learning Task – Q-Learning – Non deterministic rewards and actions – Temporal difference Learning – Generalizing from examples – Relationship to dynamic programming

Text Books

Saroj Kaushik, Artificial Intelligence, Cengage Learning, 2011.

Reference Books

  • Rich, Knight, Nair: Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition, 2009.
  • Eugene Charniak, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Pearson, 2007
  • Dan W.Patterson, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, PHI, 1990.
  • George Fluger, Artificial Intelligence, 5th Edition, Pearson.

Online Resources


Course Outcomes

After completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of AI and to formulate efficient problem space and select a search algorithm for a problem.
  • Apply AI techniques to solve problems related to Game Playing, Expert Systems.
  • Understand and apply Logic programming in problem solving.
  • Represent knowledge using appropriate techniques.
  • Interpretation of probabilistic and logical reasoning in knowledge base.
  • Understand the concepts of machine learning.

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