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Smart India Hackathon 2022 Success Journey

I am very happy to share my first post on my website about the Smart India Hackathon 2022 success journey.

After receiving one lakh prize money in Smart India Hackathon 2022
After receiving one lakh prize money in Smart India Hackathon 2022

Table of Contents

  1. Team Tech Hustlers
  2. Journey to SIH 2022
  3. Hackathon Started
  4. Final Judgement
  5. Winner Smart India Hackathon 2022
  6. Appreciations
  7. Special Appreciation Award

Team Tech Hustlers

Our team Tech Hustlers won one lakh prize money in the Smart India Hackathon 2022 for a solution to the problem statement proposed by the DoT. Team Tech Hustlers members include Shirisha, Greeshma, Charitha, Vaishnavi, Divya, and Keerthana PravallikaI and my colleague Mr.Vikas mentored the team.

Mr. Vikas already has Smart India Hackathon 2017 experience. In SIH 2017, the team got a chance to interact with PM Narendra Modi. He took all the initial hurdles for SIH 2022 from forming the team with students. Also, in formulating the idea for the given problem statement.

Journey to SIH 2022

Finally, our team got shortlisted for the Grand Finale of Smart India Hackathon 2022 in nodal center SCMS Cochin. Few of the students dropped from the team due to placements at our college on the days of the hackathon. Later few interested students from other departments joined the team.

We started our journey to Smart India Hackathon from Hyderabad on 23rd August. Reached Ernakulam on 24th August. SCMS college provided transport to their campus and also provided accommodation. Registration is on the same day evening. 

Hackathon Started

On 25th August morning, the 36-hour hackathon started with an inauguration. There are two teams competing with our team on the same problem statement. Another 24 teams also participated in the same nodal center. After the inaugural session, we went to the hall allotted for us. Our problem statement is on Caller ID Spoofing. We started working on the problem statement. 

Two judges – Naveen Jakhar and Pranay Diwakar from the DoT mentored and evaluated our team. They listened to us our idea and suggested the changes that they want in the final solution. We considered many parameters for detecting Caller ID Spoofing. Judges suggested working with only one parameter which can detect Caller ID Spoofing. They also said we are on the right path.

Keerthana Pravallika and Divya are good at coding and they worked very on the coding part. They used python language, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, and Tableau for implementation. They also tried using the Django framework but that did not work well. Shirisha, Greeshma, Charitha, and Vaishnavi worked on preparing the presentation with animations. I and Mr. Vikas guided them in all respects to come up with the final output. The final output is SCID – Spoofed Caller ID Detection.

Final Judgement

On the 26th of August evening, judges came for a final evaluation. Mr. Vikas explained the final concept using PPT with animations. Keerthana Pravallika and Divya explained the web application part. Judges got impressed by our work and praised the girl power as all the team members are girls. This gave us the confidence of greater chances of winning, but we do not know how the other two teams performed.

We reached the final section of the event which is the valedictory session. Followed by prize distribution. Organizers and judges praised the efforts put in by all the teams in the valedictory session. They said reaching to Grand Finale itself is a great achievement. Prize distribution started with participation certificates and mementos for all the participants.

Winner Smart India Hackathon 2022

The nodal in charge started announcing the winners in each problem statement. Our problem statement came, and our hearts started beating faster. Speaker announced only team “Tech” to keep us in dilemma. But we know that only our team has a name starting with “Tech” for the problem statement. Finally, the nodal in charge announced “Tech Hustlers” as the winner. The nodal center head said that it is hard to convince the 2 persons from DoT, but you did it. That was the pride movement for us and the judges congratulated us and gave one lakh prize money cheque.


We shared this good news with our college principal and our Heads of the Departments (HoD). Friends and colleagues congratulated us on winning SIH 2022. Our return journey started on 27th August and we reached Hyderabad on 28th August. Our Principal and HoDs congratulated us for winning the Smart India Hackathon 2022.

Congratulated by Principal and HoDs for winning SIH 2022
Congratulated by Principal and HoDs for winning SIH 2022

This winning would not be possible without the efforts of Mr. Vikas and I thank him for making me part of Smart India Hackathon 2022. I thank our college GNITS for giving me an opportunity to attend this event. I thank PM Narendra Modi and the MoE’s Innovation Cell for organizing hackathons. This gives encouragement to young talents to take part in building Atmanirbhar Bharat. 

Special Appreciation Award

Special Appreciation Award on the occasion of Silver Jubilee Celebrations of GNITS
Special Appreciation Award on the occasion of Silver Jubilee Celebrations of GNITS

Our team received Special Appreciation Award on the occasion of Silver Jubilee Celebrations of our college GNITS on 15th December for winning Smart India Hackathon 2022. It was yet another happy moment to receive the award in front of many people – chief guests of the event, management of our college, our principal and heads of the departments, our colleagues, students, and their parents. This recognition give us immense pleasure to work for future hackathons and bring laurels to the college.

This journey is a memorable journey for me, and a remarkable event in my life.

DoT – Department of Telecommunications

SIH – Smart India Hackathon

MoE – Ministry of Education

GNITS – G. Narayanamma Institute of Technology & Science

Disclaimer: This article is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. It does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information.

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